The farm has been increasing in population with Frozen, Chloe and Zoey all having successful births this spring. Frozen had a little girl, Chloe had a cry baby boy and Zoey had 2 girls which are cutie pies . Here are some photos of the newest baby goats!

As we grow, we have also expanded and remodeled our soap room to be more efficient in curing, storing and shipping out all your amazing orders. We tore our flooring and wall out, added a new coat of paint and purchased more curing racks to store everything needed. We are so excited about the new space we have and look forward to working in the space every day.

Now for those of you who don't know yet, we have set up our first ever loofah grow and have been praying for a successful grow this year so that very soon, we will be able to offer you locally/home grown loofah sponges for your skincare! We've recently completed the irrigation and got all our sprouts into the ground. We can't wait to show you the progress!

We want to extend our gratitude towards all of you amazing Eden Body Tribe members in our community who have been continued supporters as well as our newest Tribe members! With your help, our small family business has grown so much since we first launched in February 2020 and we can't wait to see what's coming next. Stay tuned for our next update and don't forget, we will be launching our summer scents very soon!
Eden Body Family
Eden Body Family